About Me

So who the hell am I anyway??!!?

I'm Jacob. I'm 16 years old and very enthusiastic about music. I made this site because I like ranting about stuff like that but my friends are tired of hearing about it ":-D

(Lists on this page are in no particular order)

Random info about me:::

Stuff I like:
Music I like:

Anything good.

My favourite bands/musicians right now are: Nine Inch Nails, Elliott Smith, R.E.M. (This changes all the damn time though).

Generally I listen to rock, metal, a small amount of industrial, some indie, etc...

Favourite albums:
Favourite songs:

It's hard to choose a short list, those are just the first ones that come to mind. If I tried to list every song I love, we'd be here all day. These are just the ones I particularly like/am listening to most at the moment.

Favourite shows:
Favourite movies:
Games I like:

Honestly I hate online gaming. I always game individually/offline (bar the occasional splitscreen with friends or family).

I used to play stuff like CSGO and COD but it's not really my thing anymore.

Spent a lot of time on text adventures when I was younger. Used to make them too, but I doubt I'd be able to dig them up again. (And they're really not worth the effort).

Other stuff about me:

Email me!!! weirdfshes@aol.com